Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary is the fourth book in the five book Fablehaven series. I already have the last book on loan from the library.

Seth and Kendra each have a journey and find different allies in this book. Seth fears the worst over news about Kendra. However, his sense that all was not right with Kendra helps his family to learn the truth.

While we learned about Kendra's fairy powers in previous Fablehaven adventures, in Dragon Sanctuary we learn Seth has a path, too. Both will need their powers to survive the Sphinx as they have a quest.

Once again Kendra is crushed when someone she trusted betrays her. Instead of being a friend the Sphinx has a trusted mole on the journey to Wyrmroost. When all seems lost Kendra finds that not all are unworthy of trust.

We learn more about the nature of the Sphinx and Kendra is suprised to discover the truth. One of Grandpa's promises to Kendra and Seth about the family is broken with the reader left waiting for the next novel to find out what happens.

One of my younger relatives is getting the Fablehaven Complete Set(Boxed Set) for her birthday. I always liked getting a complete set of books when I was a child. It was frustrating to start a series and have to wait to get the next book.


  1. Sounds like a great series, any idea if this would be a good read for adults?

  2. My in-laws really enjoyed the series. That is how I got introduced to it.

  3. I have these in ebook and have not had time to read them. I love YA books with the medieval / dragon theme.
