The children have new recruits from the messages Sadie left at the end of The Red Pyramid
Listening to this story on audio is an advantage as you can hear the change in narrators and hear the difference in voice literally as well as figuratively.
As the children struggle with the decision to bring back Ra they continue to deal with story lines left over from the previous story. Carter wants to find the girl he lost, only to discover he may not have ever had her. Sadie discovers having two male interests is almost as hard as being alone.
The journey demonstrates that being a God is not always protection against harm. Their visit to a nursing home for aging Gods demonstrates that those who are forgotten, regardless of their previous stature, become lost.
This was another great Riordan adventure. I will admit I had to look up a few references, as I was not aware of a couple of things he mentioned. I consider that a positive about his books. It is a chance to engage children in learning more about Egyptian history while getting them interested in an adventure series.
Sounds like an interesting read and one that could teach the children somethig too. Now if I could just find more time to read. Have not read much since starting a family a few years ago but I truly miss it. Thanks for the suggestion.