This story starts with the background information of the Stamp Act, the formation of the Sons of Liberty, the Stamp Act protests, and the arrival of British troops to keep the peace in Boston. Readers are provided with three character choices to follow the adventures through the book, a 13-year-old wig maker's apprentice, a British soldier, or the role of John Hancock's maid.
The story then walks the reader through the events of the Boston Massacre through each characters experience, giving the reader options to make choices and see how those choices alter the outcomes along the path. What I found interesting and an important lesson was in some cases you could not change the outcome. Despite your best intentions, bad things still happen. This is historically accurate, but also an important life lesson illustrated for kids in a practical setting. The British soldier's life provides another side to the story that is often missed in the retelling of the Boston Massacre. The author gives his character the temptation of deserting and the life the options that would come with that or staying loyal and all the choices that come for a soldier with that option.
The book ends with a summary of events that happened after the Boston Massacre.
I was pleased this topic was one the series decided to approach. The Boston Massacre is a great example of how choices have consequences. It also demonstrates that events sometimes do end up overtaking the ability of people to avoid them. Regardless of our own wishes and choices, sometimes other’s choices prevent us from changing our outcome.
I continue to be impressed with the possibilities for this series to engage and encourage children's interest in history.
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