Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Strictly by the Book Discount Books in Salem, NH

I am always on the look out for good shopping sites to buy books and resources for friends and family. I came across this store as a temporary store in the former Linens and Things building in Salem, NH after last Christmas. I still have books saved from that shopping excursion to use for the coming holiday season. The bargains were amazing. I was disappointed that it was only a temporary store.

Well that has changed. The store now has a lease and is doing regular business at the same location 290 S. Broadway, Salem, NH. It is near the Best Buy and Michael’s store in the same shopping plaza.

This is not a typical store but a clearance store for books. However, if you are a bargain shopper and willing to hunt this could be a great opportunity. There are typically great bargains on children’s books. They seem to have some connection with a Scholastic supplier as I have picked up quite a few Scholastic titles there. Last winter there were more adult titles, this summer more children’s titles. I suspect those who live around the area have the best opportunity to find regular bargains, those of us with limited visits find what we find in our more hit or miss visits.

Those who are looking for a traditional book store will not find it here. This is a store that requires searching. You will not be guaranteed specific titles. If you are looking for general age and categories you can find some amazing bargains. With books marked down 80% of the cover price it is well worth the effort involved to find those treasures. Happy hunting!

Eric Carle photo courtesy of bobcatrock flickr.com

Clifford photo courtesy of Manchester Library flickr.com

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