It appears Goldilocks has been feeling guilty about how she treated the bears all those years ago and in Goldilocks Returns
Goldilocks’ life has been shaped by her breaking and entering days. She has become an expert locksmith and sets to putting locks on the bear's home to prevent others like herself from breaking in and then sets to work remaking their lives.
She throws out their food, redecorates their home, and corrects all the "problems" she thought she encountered when she visited the home previously. The bear are horrified that having violated their space once, she has returned and has no idea that her attempts to help are so offensive to them. Goldilocks leaves thinking she has redeemed her earlier actions and saved the bears from themselves.
This story creates some interesting questions for young and old alike. Where are the boundaries for intervention? Just because we want to help, is it OK to change the way others live? As Goldilocks remakes the bears’ home into a home into a home she would enjoy, what could she have done instead that the bears would have appreciated? Did she really make amends for what she did before or did she again violate their home, just in a different way?
This is a thought provoking alternate fairy tale. It could generate some interesting discussions about helping others and boundaries.
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